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DFC Holdings' Felix Achibiri Recognizes Welcome2Africa International as Africa’s Incoming Unicorn

The CEO of Welcome2Africa International (W2A), Ms. Bamidele Seun Owoola, and Felix Achibiri, Chairman and CEO of DFC Holdings, had a noteworthy encounter where fascinating discussions on the future of Africa's economic landscape unfolded. Achibiri, a board member of W2A, voiced his optimism about the organisation's growth trajectory and called W2A "Africa's incoming unicorn," a reference to the enormous potential that W2A offers in revolutionising trade and investment prospects throughout the continent.

Both leaders recognised that trade, investment, and the development of jobs in Africa should all advance. The debate on strategies to mobilise capital throughout the continent, which emphasised the value of combining resources to promote significant economic development and give communities more power via wise investments, was one of the meeting's main highlights.

Achibiri additionally discussed Tulu Pay, an innovative financial platform that is revolutionising cross-border payments in Africa, during the meeting. Tulu Pay is enabling individuals and companies to interact across borders with ease thanks to its quick, cheap, and secure financial services. This helps to break down trade barriers and unleash economic potential in Africa and beyond. Tulu Pay facilitates increased involvement in international markets by making financial instruments easily accessible, which is consistent with W2A's objective of advancing commerce and investment on the continent.

The meeting highlights Felix Achibiri and W2A's vital collaboration in building an ecosystem that promotes investment, growth, and teamwork. As both entities continue to align their efforts, their shared focus on galvanising capital and leveraging innovative solutions like Tulu Pay will undoubtedly enhance their impact on Africa’s economic future.

Felix Achibiri and Bamidele Seun Owoola's conversations reveal a strong dedication to enacting change and making a lasting impression. With allies like these and a solid foundation for expansion, W2A is well-positioned to emerge as a major force in the African investment scene




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